Has the output of your solar panels begun to wane from their peak performance at the time of installation? This issue is quite common, with efficiency degradation often impacting solar panels over time. In this article, we’ll examine the causes of this phenomenon and present methods to minimize the drop in energy production.

Stay sunny – there’s plenty to learn ahead!

Understanding Solar Panel Efficiency

A close-up of monocrystalline solar cells capturing sunlight on a rooftop.

Solar panels turn light from the sun into electricity. This is called solar panel efficiency. How well they do this job depends on how much of the sunlight they can change into power.

The best solar panels in the world right now can change about a quarter of the sunlight they get into electricity we can use.

But not all solar cells are made equal. Some types, like monocrystalline solar cells, work better than others because of how they’re built. They have silicon crystals that pack together very well, which helps them catch more energy from the sun’s rays.

Other types, like thin-film panels or polycrystalline solar cells, don’t work as well but might cost less money or be better for certain places where space isn’t a big deal. What matters most is picking the right kind for your home and where you live to get lots of clean energy from your rooftop solar power system.

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Efficiency

A solar panel array on a rooftop under clear blue skies.

Solar Panel Orientation

To get the most energy from the sun, solar panels need to face the right direction. If they look straight at the sun for as many hours as possible each day, they will work best. Think about where you live; in the United States, panels should usually face south.

This lets them catch sunlight all day, from sunrise to sunset.

But just facing south isn’t enough – how much your solar panels tilt matters too. The angle needs to match your place’s latitude for peak performance. Picking this sweet spot means your solar modules can turn more sunshine into electricity without wasting any of it.

This is how you make sure you’re smartly using renewable energy!

Roof Pitch

The angle of your roof can change how well solar panels work. Most roofs in the US have a slope of 5/12, which means for every 12 inches along the roof, it rises 5 inches. The right tilt helps catch more sunlight and makes the panels more efficient.

If your panels lay flat or at the wrong angle, they won’t get as much sun.

Solar installers often adjust the panels to make sure they are at the best angle. This might mean putting them on special racks if your roof does not have the ideal pitch. When solar PV systems have a good setup with proper angles, they soak up more energy from the sun’s rays, helping you save on power bills and making your home greener.


Solar panels don’t like it too hot. Even though they need sunlight to make electricity, too much heat can make them less efficient. Think about a hot summer day; when the temperature goes up, the solar panels get hotter and their ability to turn light into energy drops a bit.

Experts say that solar panels work best between 59°F and 95°F. But on really hot days, especially if they’re not cooling down enough, solar panels might not do as well as they should.

Keeping them cooler helps keep your energy system running strong.


Shade can make a big difference in how much power solar panels produce. If trees, buildings, or even clouds cover your solar panels, they won’t get as much sunlight. This means they will make less electricity.

When parts of a panel are shaded while others are not, this uneven sun exposure causes some cells to work harder than others. This can hurt the whole system and lower the amount of energy your panels create.

Keeping solar panels clear from shade is important for good performance. Even small shadows that move across the panels during the day can reduce their power output. Cutting back trees or moving objects that cast shadows could help you make more electricity with your solar setup.

System Design

System design is key in making sure solar panels work well and last long. Smart choices about the parts and how they fit together can help fight the slow drop in power that solar panels face over time.

Good design means thinking about heat and voltage. Too much heat can make panels less effective, so a designer might use micro inverters or add space between panels for air to flow.

They also think about how all parts connect, choosing wires and materials that move electricity easily.

Designers look at where the sun moves across the sky when setting up solar arrays. This helps them get as much sunlight as possible on the panels each day, boosting energy savings.

A rooftop system is designed with careful thought of angle and direction to catch more sun rays without being blocked by shadows or other objects. Next up is understanding how aging affects solar panel efficiency.

The Influence of Degradation on Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar panels don’t stay as good at making power as they get older. Tiny bits of damage from the sun’s rays add up over time. This means that every year, a solar panel won’t make quite as much electricity as the year before.

Good quality solar panels might lose less than 1% efficiency each year.

Degradation can have different effects on different types of solar cells. For example, monocrystalline solar cells are often more resistant to losing efficiency than other types. Studies by experts like those at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory show how quickly degradation happens in various panels.

People who use solar energy need to think about this when picking and looking after their solar systems.

Methods to Improve Solar Panel Efficiency

Implementing strategic measures can significantly enhance the performance of your solar panels, ensuring you harness maximum energy from the sun’s rays over the lifespan of your system.

Regular Monitoring

Check your solar panels often to make sure they are working right. This helps you spot any problems early. If there’s dirt or damage, you can clean or fix it fast. With special software, all the data about how well your panels work is at your fingertips.

You can see what’s happening and use that info to keep them running at their best.

Keep an eye on things like energy made and if there are any changes. By doing this, you stay in control of your solar power system’s health. It saves you money by cutting down on surprise repairs and keeps your panels making as much electricity as they can for a longer time.

Professional Installation

Hiring a skilled person to put up your solar panels can make them work better. They know the best way to set things up so that your panels last longer and perform well. These pros take care of tricky stuff like making sure the tilt and direction are just right, which can affect how much power you get.

They also deal with sneaky problems that might hurt your panels over time. With their help, your system will be more likely to give you all the power it should for many years. Next, let’s explore choosing dependable brands for greater efficiency in solar panel systems.

Choosing Reliable Brands

Picking a good brand for solar panels is like choosing a strong and sturdy backpack for hiking. You want it to last long and work well. Top brands have solar panels that keep their power longer and won’t break down as much.

They come with a performance warranty, which promises your solar panels will work at a certain level for many years.

Good brands use quality parts in their photovoltaic (PV) systems. This means less trouble later on and saves you money because you won’t need to fix things so often. Their panels might cost more upfront, but they save you cash over time by staying efficient and reliable.

Avoiding Shaded Areas

To keep solar panels working well, stay away from shady spots. Trees, buildings, and other tall things can block the sun. If a panel is in the shade, it won’t make as much power. Using special tools to find out where shadows fall can help put panels in the best place.

This means they get more sunlight and make more electricity.

Solar experts know how to set up your panels so they get plenty of sun. They look at your home and figure out the best spot for your solar system. Good placement stops shadows from hurting your solar power setup.

With careful planning, your panels will work great for many years.

The Economics of Solar Panel Efficiency and Cost Considerations

Solar panels are a smart buy because they turn sunlight into electricity and save you money over time. The price of solar panels has gone down a lot, which is good news for your wallet.

When you choose solar power, the better the panel’s efficiency, the more power you get from them. High-efficiency panels can be pricier, but they also mean you need fewer of them to get the same amount of energy as lower-efficiency ones.

Picking high-quality solar tech pays off in the long run. With strong brands and quality installation, your system works better and lasts longer. This means less fixing and more saving on bills every month.

Plus, with government tax credits for going green with energy, it costs even less to start using clean Sunpower at home or work. Next up is how all these facts come together to wrap things up about solar panel efficiency loss over time.


So, as time goes on, solar panels do become less efficient. This happens because they face the sun and weather every day. You should think about this when choosing to use solar power.

Even with this slow change, they can still make energy for many years. Taking good care of your panels will help them last longer and work better.

Discover the financial implications of solar panel installations and learn how much a 1-acre solar farm costs to better understand your potential investment.


What is Potential Induced Degradation in solar panels?

Potential-induced degradation, or PID, happens when the electrical circuits in solar cells are affected by certain climates and can cause the panel’s power output to go down.

Can anything be done to keep solar panels working well for a long time?

To help keep your solar panel system working its best, use high-quality silicon cells, consider sun-tracking tech for more direct sunlight, protect against harsh weather and maintain them properly.

Are all types of solar cells likely to become less efficient over time?

All types of photovoltaic cells might see some loss in their ability to convert sunlight into energy but at different rates; monocrystalline silicon generally last longer compared with other types like perovskite.

How do I know if my home’s conversion efficiency is dropping because of old solar panels?

Check your energy bills and the readouts from your home’s system; if you notice you’re not saving much on electricity or generating fewer kilowatt-hours (kWh), it could mean your panels’ efficiency has dropped.

Is getting new technology worth it when upgrading my rooftop systems?

With advancements like tandem cells and multi-junction (MJ) cells improving performance—plus incentives like federal tax credits—it can be worth considering upgrades for better energy production and return on investment.

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